Usually, a lot of people want lean bodies either for their personal or professional gain. However, most restricted from getting that body due to the fact that exercise, only half as effective. Without the availability of the body’s cooperation.
Bodybuilding legal steroids on the other hand, can give you this extra boost that you require. However, there is a huge ban on the steroids in the market which has then created a hindrance to legal steroids. While legal steroids are,as the name suggests, legal, people are afraid of using them since they are essentially steroids and there is a huge misconception about their application.
Legal Steroids and The Law on Supplements
Legal steroids, NOT banned by the FDA, cleared by law, manufactured, shipped, sold, purchased, possessed and used at any capacity. Whether health or professional or personal, within the United States. However a decreased awareness of the types of legal steroids on the market and their applications as well as where or how they can be purchased.
For purchase, it is important to understand that there is no legal requirement for there to be a prescription when buying the legal steroids regardless of where you buy them. Available anywhere from over the counter pharmacies all around the United States, online from various websites that deal in legal, as well as from various certified drug stores and gyms or training centers.
Legal Steroids and Performance-Enhancing Supplements
The pressure to perform in high school and college sports continues to increase as athletes compete for scholarships and chase the dream of playing professionally. Athletes at all levels of competition are aware that taking a performance-enhancing substance is an easy way to get an advantage in sports. Steroid alternative substances cause serious health problems IF they over-used in high doses. Finally, if considering taking any type of performance-enhancing supplements, we encourage you to check out legal steroids and other steroid alternatives that are safe.
What is a “performance enhancing supplements”?
The term “performance-enhancing supplements” refers to a variety of substances that athletes use to think increase athletic strength.
Examples include:
- Anabolic steroids
- Stimulants such as caffeine and amphetamines
- Diuretics
- Dietary supplements such as creatine
- Protein and amino acid supplements
What are anabolic steroids?
The terms steroids, “roids,” or “juice” usually refer to anabolic steroids, which are synthetic (man-made) substances similar to the male sex hormone testosterone. The term “anabolic” refers to muscle growth.
Anabolic steroids typically produce:
- Increase in muscle mass and physical strength
- Increase hair growth on the face or chest
- Changes in the user’s voice
Users typically take a pill form or use a hypodermic needle to inject steroids directly into the blood stream. Although some steroids are used in medicine, anabolic steroids are illegal and are never prescribed to healthy young men.
Some common examples of anabolic steroids include:
- Androstenedione
- Dehydrochlormethyltestosterone (Turinabol)
- Metandienone (Dianabol)
- Methyltestosterone (Android)
- Nandrolone (Durabolin)
- Oxandrolone (Oxandrin)
- Oxymetholone (Anadrol)
- Stanozolol (Winstrol)
What are the health risks from taking anabolic steroids?
Negative health risks associated with anabolic steroids, such as:
Aggressiveness and increased anger
- Baldness
- Enlarged breasts in men
- High blood pressure
- Acne
- Increased cholesterol levels
- Risk of infections transmitted through blood such as HIV and Hepatitis if injected through a needle
- Liver problems and tumors
- Shrinking of the testicles
What are some of the warning signs that someone is taking anabolic steroids?
Steroids impact the level of hormones in the body, which can cause a wide range of emotions and behaviors that include:
- Aggressive or violent behavior, aka “roid rage”
- Mild depression
- Irrational thinking
Where can I get help to quit taking steroids?
If you or a friend are abusing steroids, talk to an adult you can trust for help – a school counselor, a teacher, a coach, or your health care provider. Although it might be difficult to admit you have a problem, talking with someone is the first step to getting help.
What are stimulants? Are they safe?
Stimulants come in many forms such as:
- Caffeine
- Amphetamines (found in some cold medicines)
Illegal drugs such as cocaine and methamphetamines
These substances can cause an increase in:
- Heart rate
- Blood pressure
- Metabolism
- Athletes mistakenly believe these substances will increase alertness or aggressiveness on the field. However, the negative side effects such as decreased concentration, nervousness or not being able to sleep can cause more serious problems for a player’s performance, not to mention some serious health risks.
What are diuretics? Are they safe?
Diuretics change the balance of fluids in the body and are sometimes used by wrestlers who are trying to compete in a lighter weight class.
These substances often lead to:
- Dehydration (loss of water in the body)
- Muscle cramps
- Tiredness
What is creatine? Is it safe?
Creatine, a substance found naturally in the body and is believed to help supply energy to muscles and nerve cells. When taken as a supplement, creatine is believed to help muscles recover faster during exercises that use short bursts of energy like sprinting and weight lifting. It also may reduce the amount of lactic acid (the stuff that makes you feel tired) produced during exercise.
The safety and effectiveness of creatine has not been tested in teens. However, creatine is not recommended for teens, even though it can be bought over-the-counter.
High doses can cause:
- Upset stomach
- Dehydration
- Muscle cramps
What are protein and amino acid supplements? Are they safe?
For the majority of individuals, protein needs will be met through a balanced diet. Therefore, protein and amino acid supplements do not offer any added advantage over eating foods that are sources of protein (such as chicken, meat, fish, eggs, nuts, and tofu).
The risk in having protein and amino acid supplements is that they can contain illegal substances such as nandrolone, which might not be written on the ingredients label. Also, Nandrolone is an anabolic steroid that is used in medicine, but is not prescribed to healthy young men.
Are all performance-enhancing substances illegal?
Many performance-enhancing drugs, such as anabolic steroids, are illegal because of the health risks.
Many of these so-called “legal” or “natural” performance-enhancing substances have not been approved by the Food & Drug Administration (FDA), the office of our government that carefully researches the safety of products on the market. Taking a substance that has not been approved by the FDA could put your health at risk.
Even natural substances can produce negative side effects, especially when taken in high doses. While some dietary supplements are legal, the long-term effects of those substances may not be clear.
If you’re concerned about steroids and supplements, here’s a tip on how to bring it up with your health care provider: “Is it ok to take steroids/supplements so I can get bigger and stronger?”
Performance-Enhancing Supplements: Information for Parents
Young athletes can improve their sports performance by focusing on the basics: fluids, calories, training, conditioning, and rest. Shortcuts, such as the use of performance-enhancing substances and supplements, are of little benefit and can be dangerous.
Here is information from the American Academy of Pediatrics about performance-enhancing substances and supplements for athletes.
Performance-Enhancing Supplements
Parents and athletes need to be aware that dietary supplements are not regulated by the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA). Studies looking at the purity of supplements find high rates of contamination with possibly harmful substances. Also, many products do not contain the ingredients listed on the label.
Protein and Creatine
Young athletes sometimes take protein supplements or nucleic acid supplements (creatine) to help their sports performance. However, studies have not shown these supplements help improve sports performance in younger athletes.
During puberty athletes grow and become stronger and their performance often improves very quickly. Creatine does not appear to offer any additional benefit in this age group. Most young athletes who eat a healthy, well-balanced diet do not need and would not benefit from protein supplements. However, vegetarians may be at risk of not eating enough protein and may benefit from meal planning with a registered dietitian.
Energy Drinks and Stimulants
Caffeine is found in a variety of foods and drinks. About 3 out of 4 children consume caffeine on any given day.
The FDA regulates the amount of caffeine in items sold as foods and drinks; however, it does not have control over items sold as supplements, such as energy drinks. It is very difficult to know how much caffeine is in many of these products. Consuming too much caffeine, such as that found in powders, pills, and multiple energy drinks, can be dangerous.
Although caffeine appears to improve some parts of sports performance in adults, the effects vary a lot. The effects of caffeine are not as well studied in children.
Young athletes who take medicine for attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder need to be very careful when using energy drinks that contain stimulants. They also need to keep track of their fluid intake and how they respond to severe heat and humid conditions when exercising or competing.
Vitamins and Minerals
Athletes do not need vitamins and mineral supplements if they are eating healthy, well-balanced meals. Low iron levels are associated with decreases in athletic performance, but high doses of iron, or of any other vitamin or mineral. However, not shown to improve sports performance in otherwise healthy athletes.
Anabolic Steroids
Anabolic steroids are drugs that are illegal without a doctor’s prescription. Athletes sometimes use anabolic steroids to enhance muscle strength and size. Nonathletes may use anabolic steroids because they want to look more muscular. However, there are side effects. Anabolic steroids stop growth in children and teens who are still gaining height. They may also cause long-term problems with the heart, skin, and other organs that can be severe and may be irreversible.
Note: Anti-inflammatory steroids, such as prednisone, that are used for asthma and other conditions are safe and often needed for young athletes when prescribed by a doctor.
Additional Information & Resources:
The information contained on this Web site, not used as a substitute for the medical care and advice of your pediatrician. While variations in treatment that your pediatrician may recommend based on individual facts and circumstances.
General Reference (not clearly pro or con)
Peta Bee, MSc, freelance sports and medicine journalist, wrote in an Aug. 16, 2008 article published by The Times website, titled “Is Bicarbonate of Soda a Performance Enhancing Drug?” that:
“Performance-enhancing drugs usually bring to mind designer steroids and human growth hormones. Yet some athletes rely on more rudimentary – and legal – means to boost their race times, including using a substance usually tucked away in a kitchen cupboard.
For years, keen runners have sworn that taking a spoonful of bicarbonate of soda (baking soda) helps them to keep going for longer.”
Aug. 16, 2008 – Peta Bee, MSc
Ryan Kohler, MD, Chief Medical Officer for the South African Vodacom Stormers and Western Province Rugby teams, and Shelly Meltzer, RD, Department Head of the Dietetic Practice at the Sports Science Institute of South Africa, et.al, in a December 2006 article titled “Your Guide to Legal Supplements” compiled for SARugby.net offered the following list:
“Here are all the ‘legal’ supplements according to supplement grouping, definition and specific supplements. This group includes supplements and sports foods that provide a performance benefit in sport-specific and individual-specific situations or provide a useful and timely source of energy and nutrients in an athletes diet or are of medical/therapeutic benefit:
Bicarbonate, beta-hydroxy-beta-methylbutyrate (HMB), creatine, calcium, carbohydrate powders and gels glucosamine and chondroitin, intramuscular iron, intramuscular vitamin B12, liquid meal replacements, melatonin, recovery formulas, sports energy bars, skim milk powder, sports drinks, specific vitamins and minerals.”
Dec. 2006 – Ryan Kohler, MD
Shelly Meltzer, RD
Absolute Creatine, LLC, a group of self-proclaimed “fitness nuts,” responded in a 2006 question and answer session posted on their website (accessed on Nov. 5, 2008) regarding the legality of creatine that:
“Creatine is classified as a Dietary Supplement – not a drug. Meaning, basically treated as a food substance and does not have to meet any of the drug requirements of the FDA. You do not need a prescription to buy creatine – because it is a food supplement.
Creatine is not a banned substance in the NFL, NBA, MLB, NFL, NCAA or Olympics. It would be very hard to ban creatine use because it is found in many foods, therefore making it very hard to test for without false positives.”
2006 – Absolute Creatine, LLC.
Young Men’s Health, a website produced by the Division of Adolescent and Young Adult Medicine at Children’s Hospital Boston, published the following information in a Mar. 24, 2008 article titled “Steroids & Supplements: Information About Performance-Enhancing Substances” on its website:
“Ads for legal performance-enhancing substances and dietary supplements are all over the Internet. Many of these so-called ‘legal’ or ‘natural’ substances have not been approved by the Food & Drug Administration (FDA), the office of our government that carefully researches the safety of products on the market. Taking a substance that has not been approved by the FDA could put your health at risk… [E]ven natural substances can produce negative side effects, especially when taken in high doses. While some dietary supplements are legal, the long-term effects of those substances may not be clear.”
Mar. 24, 2008 – Young Men’s Health
Tom Farrey, sports journalist and senior writer for ESPN The Magazine, wrote in a Mar. 17, 2003 article published by ESPN.com titled “Study Links Popular Sports Supplement to Sterility” that:
“The athlete’s toolbox, taking another hit with a new study suggesting that chromium picolinate, a popular supplement perceived to trim fat and build muscle, could cause sterility in a user’s children and grandchildren… ESPN.com received an advance copy of the 29-page study, which notes that fruit flies given chromium picolinate were more likely to produce female offspring that are sterile…
Chromium picolinate, widely available in stores and over the Internet, is sold in forms that include pills and sports drinks. The substance became popular among bodybuilders and athletes about a decade ago, with sales now exceeding $87 million a year… [C]hromium picolinate is not banned for use by athletes competing in the NCAA or Olympics, among other leagues.”
Mar. 17, 2003 – Tom Farrey
Anna Salleh, PhD, Science journalist for ABC Science Online, wrote the following in an Aug. 2, 2008 article published by her company titled “Athletes’ Caffeine Use Reignites Scientific Debate”:
“In the 1980s and 1990s Olympic athletes were banned for returning positive tests for caffeine… Four years ago, the World Anti-doping Agency (WADA) considered it an offence for an athlete to have a urine concentration of caffeine greater than 12 micrograms per millilitre [about 8 cups of coffee]. But a number of concerns led to WADA removing caffeine from its list of banned substances.
A spokesperson for WADA says there is research evidence indicating that caffeine actually decreases performance above that threshold. On the other hand, reducing the threshold might create the risk of sanctioning athletes for simply consuming social amounts of caffeine, which is common in drinks and food.”